What is the difference between Reiki and Energy Healing?


Reiki is the most basic form of channelled energy healing. It is the foundation of safe energy healing practices. Without learning Reiki, the structure it provides and its attunements, it makes it difficult for someone to know how to practice energy healing responsibly.

It’s important to know, I don’t give you my energy and I don’t absorb yours. Practicing channelled energy healing means, the energy that I am using during the treatments is from the Universal light energy. A healer goes directly to the energy source and acts as a channel between you and the Universal light energy to pass on pure, clean, untouched energy to you.

Reiki is the most basic form of channelled energy healing. You could be in great health, great spirits and a Reiki session could give you an extra boost of energy. If you’re stressed out a Reiki session could calm your energy field, helping you feel more relaxed. It could help release tension in your body, preventing or assisting with ongoing headaches, migraines and other muscle tension issues. Reiki is also helpful with supporting sleep issues that have been ongoing on a short-term basis such as acute insomnia, restlessness, or generally stressful thoughts or anxiousness that may effect sleep. For longer term issues such as chronic insomnia or even sleep paralysis, Intuitive Energy Healing would be more effective.

Energy Healing

More advanced and safe channeled energy healing practices fall under intuitive energy healing and are for more specific treatments. Intuitive energy healing is a blend of advanced energy healing such as deep Emotional Energy Healing, where we focus on healing old emotional wounds and emotional blocks, releasing repressed or suppressed emotions so that they don’t stay in your body.

Within Emotional Energy Healing, I may look out for emotional cords. These are energy cords created between you and another individual who shares a very strong negative emotional frequency on the same level (such as fear, jealousy, sadness, anger and grief). When an emotional cord is formed, it is common for each person to feel a heightened sense of negative emotions for an extended period and begin to feel less like themselves, less in control of their emotions and sometimes even powerless. This is because on top of a person’s own level of negative emotions, extremely energetically sensitive people are able to take on the other person’s level of negative emotions as well so the amount will have doubled. Over time, that can continue to quantify.

Intuitive Energy Healing treatments includes the removal of emotional cords (cord-cutting) so that an individual can healthfully break free from trading negative emotions with each other and bonding over it. Instead, each individual is able to take ownership of their own energy and emotions once again.

Intuitive energy healing is three to five times more effective than Reiki, so you’ll likely need fewer treatments compared to Reiki, depending on the treatment required.